Wednesday, November 26, 2014

ETL Development project implementation

Business requirements (Requirement Phase):  Business Relationship Manager committed with Business People (Client) for project deliverable dates and cost of the project. 
Business Relationship Manager will set-up a meeting with offshore team i.e. project manager and ask for the project estimations. Project estimations done then we can sent a mail to Business Relationship Manager we need two more resource for this project.If He is okay for that then our project start.

Client Review (Requirement Phase): Our onsite analyst setup a meeting with client with the help of Business requirement Document and get the clarifications from client. Analyst did the analysis based on Business requirement Document which was provided by client. Final analysis sheet Functional Specification Document will send to the application Subject Matter Expert With CC of development Team.

Review (Requirement Phase): Dev team need to ask any clarification required from analyst.If Subject Matter Expert and Dev team okay for that analysis then whole team will go to the Design Modeller.

Logical Design Modelling (Modelling Phase): Design Modeller will design the tables with the help of inputs from Team using tool(ER Studio Erwin..etc). After Modelling completed Dev team needs to validate those tables and send a conformation mail to Modeller.

Physical Design Modelling (Modelling Phase): Modeller will release the design to Physical Modelling Design. They will create the tables as per design in your dev env(database)

Construction (Development phase and Unit Testing): After Creation of tables then we need to do the development. Ex: Product is coming from product table,Number of Products coming from PRODUCT_SOLD table and percent of Product is the measure needs to calculate from PRODUCT_SOLD_ALL table.Modeller design the one table for all these three objects.You have to create three mapping for these three tables to bring the data in your database. After that based on data and Functional Specification Document you need to get the data as you expected. You need to load the data into one target table by using three source tables.You need to prepare Technical Specification Document,Unit testing cases document and mapping design document.Your code review with Subject Matter Expert.

SIT Phase: After Development complete client will assign the QA team to do the testing.We need to move the code using deployment tools to QA environment.We have to explain all the changes to QA team.

UAT test:  Then They will do the testing and gave the sign off Once Sign off done. We have to call client please do the test in Test environment.  

UAT sign off: If client is okay for that...They will provide the sign off.

Cross functional Teams Reviews: You need to explain the code changes to Cross functional team if they have any impact.

GO live: Move the code to production.


1 comment:

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