Sunday, September 13, 2015

Multiple Flat file load in single mapping with file validation into Target - Informatica

Multiple Flat File Load in single Mapping

In This Scenario I’m trying to explain how to load multiple flat file in single mapping, these files are having same structure.
Here I’m taking indirect method from session properties and on top of it loading file name  in target, so that we can validate if file is already loaded. 
If file is already present in target then will load that data into junk target table.

Step 1: we have to create source flat file definition and import relational target definition.

Flat file is delimited file and delimiter is “,” here we need some additional setting in source definition for this we need to check “Add Currently Processed Flat File Name Port “ option in source definition properties.

So that we can keep track of loaded file into target.
Step 2: Create Expression transformation to cleanse data into mapping b’coz source data is flat file. In flat file data type always string data type and our target is relational for this data need to converted in desired data types.
Below are some of the sample expression in expression transformation
CurrentProcessFile: SUBSTR(CurrentlyProcessedFileName,INSTR(CurrentlyProcessedFileName,'\',1,2)+1)

Step 3: We have to lookup target table “TGT_MULTILOAD” to validate if file is loaded already or not.
Here we will be comparing CurrentProcessFile from source with file loaded into target i.e.  “FileName” column from target table. Based on this lookup will return FileName from target.

Step4: Here we will create Router T/R which will help to Route our data into Target table  “TGT_MULTILOAD” and Junk Target TGT_JUNKFILE_LOAD as per our requirement.
In Router we will specify condition in two group
Group1: For “TGT_MULTILOAD” condition will be

Group2: for “TGT_JUNKFILE_LOAD” condition will be
ExistingFile: CurrentProcessFile = FILE_NAME

Here mapping will look like below 

Step4: Now we have to Specify Source and target connections in session, In case of Source is flat file we have to specify informatica server source directory path & source file name under mapping Tab in session.
SourceFileType: Indirect
Source file directory:  $PMInfa_FlatFile_Path/$PMInfaSource_FlatFile
Source file name:  $PMInfa_ListFile_Name
Here we have to create command task and write UNIX script to write all files present in source directory into list file.

Before starting session it will keep all files into list file, we will specify source path and file names in parameter files
ls –tr  $PMInfa_FlatFile_Path/$PMInfaSource_FlatFile > $PMInfa_FlatFile_Path/$PMInfa_ListFile_Name
if [ ! –s $PMInfa_FlatFile_Path/$PMInfa_ListFile_Name
echo date +%m-%d-%y !%H :%M:%S “No file present in directory” >> $LogPath/$LogFile
echo “No updated File available in directory” | mailx  -s “no file to process” $Email
Parameter files contain all variable values
$PMInfa_FlatFile_Path: /InfaServer/dev/etl/ewbs/sourcefile
$PMInfaSource_FlatFile: abc_*.*
$PMInfa_ListFile_Name: FlatFile.lst
$LogPath: /InfaServer/dev/etl/ewbs/log
$LogFile: logupdates.log
Now will specify Target connections and other required setting in session properties.
Now let’s run session and verify target
list file contain two files and target table "TGT_JUNKFILE_LOAD" will be empty
1. test.txt 
2. test1.txt


Update some flat file(test2.txt, test3.txt) in source directory and verify target tables
In Next run list file contains 
1. test.txt 
2. test1.txt
3. test2.txt
4. test3.txt



With this i'm done with Multiple flat file load in single mapping, please let me know you question and concern.

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