Monday, July 6, 2015

Exceptions in Informatica

Informatica Exceptions – 1
1. While doing “Generate SQL” in Source Qualifier and try to validate it, getting below error.
“Query should return exactly n field(s) to match field(s) projected from the Source Qualifier” Where n is the number of fields projected from the Source Qualifier.
Possible reasons for this to occur are:
1.    The sequence of ports wrong
2.    The number of ports in the transformation may be more/less.
3.    Sometimes you will have the correct number of ports and in correct order too but even then you might face this error in that case make sure that Owner name and Schema name are specified correctly for the tables used in the Source Qualifier Query.
4.    E.g., TC_0002.EXP_AUTH@TIMEP
2. When an Oracle table is used, getting below error
“[/export/home/build80/zeusbuild/vobs/powrmart/common/odl/oracle8/oradriver.cpp] line [xxx]”
Where xxx is some line number mostly 241, 291 or 416.
Possible reasons are
Use Data Direct Oracle ODBC driver instead of the driver “Oracle in
If the table has been imported using the Oracle drivers which are not supported, then columns with Varchar2 data type are replaced by String data type and Number columns are imported with precision Zero(0).
3. below error while trying to save a Mapping.
Unexpected Condition Detected Warning: Unexpected condition at: statbar.cpp: 268 Contact Informatica Technical Support for assistance
When there is no enough memory in System this happens. To resolve this we can either
1.    Increase the Virtual Memory in the system
2.    If continue to receive the same error even after increasing the Virtual Memory, in Designer, go to Tools->Options, go to General tab and clear the “Save MX Data” option.

Informatica Exceptions – 2
1. When Session fails in informatica with the below error message. 
“FATAL ERROR: Caught a fatal signal/exception
FATAL ERROR: Aborting the DTM process due to fatal signal/exception.”
There might be several reasons for this. One possible reason could be the way the function SUBSTR is used in the mappings, like the length argument of the SUBSTR function being specified incorrectly.
in this example MOBILE_NUMBER is a variable port and is 24 characters long. When the field itself is 24 char long, the SUBSTR starts at position 2 and go for a length of 24 which is the 25th character.
To solve this, correct the length option so that it does not go beyond the length of the field or avoid using the length option to return the entire string starting with the start value.
In this example modify the expression as follows: 
2. The following error can occur at times when a session is run
“TE_11015 Error in xxx: No matching input port found for output port OUTPUT_PORT TM_6006 Error initializing DTM for session…”
Where xxx is a Transformation Name.
This error will occur when there is corruption in the transformation. To resolve this do one of the following: * Recreate the transformation in the mapping having this error.
3. At times you get the below problems,
1. When opening designer, you get “Exception access violation”, “Unexpected condition detected”.
2. Unable to see the navigator window, output window or the overview window in designer even after toggling it on.
3. Toolbars or checkboxes are not showing up correctly.
These are all indications that the pmdesign.ini file might be corrupted. To solve this, following steps need to be followed.
1. Close Informatica Designer 2. Rename the pmdesign.ini (in c:\winnt\system32 or c:\windows\system). 3. Re-open the designer.
When PowerMart opens the Designer, it will create a new pmdesign.ini if it doesn’t find an existing one. Even reinstalling the PowerMart clients will not create this file if it finds one.

Informatica Exceptions – 3
1. Occasions where sessions fail with the following error in the Workflow Monitor: 
“First error code [36401], message [ERROR: Session task instance [session XXXX]: Execution terminated unexpectedly.] “
Where XXXX is the session name.
The server log/workflow log shows the following: 
“LM_36401 Execution terminated unexpectedly.”
To determine the error do the following: 
a. if the session fails before initialization and no session log is created look for errors in Workflow log and pmrepagent log files.
b. If the session log is created and if the log shows errors like
“Caught a fatal signal/exception” or
“Unexpected condition detected at file [xxx] line yy”
Then a core dump has been created on the server machine. In this case Informatica Technical Support should be contacted with specific details. This error may also occur when the PowerCenter server log becomes too large and the server is no longer able to write to it. In this case a workflow and session log may not be completed. Deleting or renaming the PowerCenter Server log (pmserver.log) file will resolve the issue.
2. Given below is not an exception but a scenario which most of us would have come across.
Rounding problem occurs with columns in the source defined as Numeric with Precision and Scale or Lookups fail to match on the same columns. Floating point arithmetic is always prone to rounding errors (e.g. the number 1562.99 may be represented internally as 1562.988888889, very close but not exactly the same). This can also affect functions that work with scale such as the Round() function.To resolve this do the following:
1.    Select the Enable high precision option for the session.
2.    Define all numeric ports as Decimal data type with the exact precision and scale desired. When high precision processing is enabled the PowerCenter Server support numeric values up to 28 digits. However, the tradeoff is a performance hit (actual performance really depends on how many decimal ports there are).

Oracle Exceptions in Informatica
Normally, a fatal Oracle error may not be registered as a warning or row error and the session may not fail, conversely a non-fatal error may cause a PowerCenter session to fail.This can be changed with few tweaking in
A. Oracle Stored Procedure,
B. The OracleErrorActionFile, and
C. Server Settings
Let us see this with an example.
An Oracle Stored Procedure under certain conditions returns the exception NO_DATA_FOUND. When this exception occurs, the session calling the Stored Procedure does not fail.
Adding an entry for this error in the ora8err.act file and enabling the OracleErrorActionFile option does not change this behavior (Both ora8err.act and OracleErrorActionFile are discussed in later part of this blog).
When this exception (NO_DATA_FOUND) is raised in PL/SQL it is sent to the Oracle client as an informational message not an error message and the Oracle client sends this message to PowerCenter. Since the Oracle client does not return an error to PowerCenter the session continues as normal and will not fail.
A. Modify the Stored Procedure to return a different exception or a custom exception. A custom exception number (only between -20000 and -20999) can be sent using the raise_application_error PL/SQL command as follows:
raise_application_error (-20991,’ has raised an error’, true);
Additionally add the following entry to the ora8err.act file:
20991, F
B. Editing the Oracle Error Action file can be done as follows:
1. Go to the server/bin directory under the Informatica Services installation directory (8.x) or the Informatica Server installation directory (7.1.x).
For Infa 7.x
C:\Program Files\Informatica PowerCenter 7.1.3\Server\ora8err.act
For Infa 8.x
2. Open the ora8err.act file.
3. Change the value associated with the error.
“F” is fatal and stops the session.”R” is a row error and writes the row to the reject file and continues to the next row.
To fail a session when the ORA-03114 error is encountered change the 03114 line in the file to the following:
03114, F
To return a row error when the ORA-02292 error is encountered change the
02292 line to the following:
02292, R
Note that the Oracle action file only applies to native Oracle connections in the session. If the target is using the SQL*Loader external loader option, the message status will not be modified by the settings in this file.
C. Once the file is modified, following changes need to be done in the server level.

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Informatica Installation Guide

Informatica Installation:
Informatica PowerCenter trail version can be downloaded from
Log on to and accept the Terms and Conditions.

Choose the Product package as shown below and Click Continue.

Locate the download package as shown in below image.

Step : 4
Download the packages to D:\INFA9X

Unpack the Installation Package
Step : 1
Unzip all the the four downloaded zip files into D:\INFA9X. 
Hint : Use the program WinRAR to unzip all the files. After unzipping you will see below files and folders.

Step : 2
Unzip into the the same folder D:\INFA9X. After unzipping you will see below files and folders.

Install Informatica PowerCenter Server
To locate install.exe, Navigate to D:\INFA9X\dac_win_101314_infa_win_32bit_910 as shown in below image. double click on the install.exe. 

Installation wizard Starts.  Choose the installation type.
Click Next.

Installation Pre-requisites will be shown before the installation starts as below.
Click Next.

Step : 4
Enter the license key. You can locate the license key from D:\INFA9X\EXTRACT\Oracle_All_OS_Prod.key.

Click Next.
Step : 5
Pre-installation summery will give the items installed during the installation process based on the license key.
Click Next

Installation Begins. It takes couple of minutes to finish. Soon after completion of this step, Configuring Domain window opens. Continue the steps from Domain Configuration.

Domain Configuration.
Step :1
    • Choose “Create a Domain” radio button.
    • Check “Enable HTTPS for Informatica Administrator”
    • Leave the Port number as it is and choose “Use a keystore file generated by the installer”
Click Next.
Step : 2
Provide the Repository database details as below.
    • Database Type : Choose your Repository database (Oracle/SQL Server/Sybase)
    • Database user ID : Database user ID to connect database.
    • User Password  : Password.
    • Schema Name : If Schema name is not provided default schema will be used.
    • Database Address and Port : Machine on which database in installed and default port number.
    • Database Service Name :  Database Name.
  • Below image shows the configuration using SQL Server.
    Click Next.

Step : 3
You can give the Domain details, Admin user details now.
    • Domain Name : Name of your Domain.
    • Node Host Name : Machine name on which Informatica Server is running.
    • Node Name : Name of the Node.
    • Node Port Number : Leave the default port Number.
    • Domain user name : This is the Administrator user
    • Domain password : Administrator password

Note : Remember your Admin User ID, Password to log on to Admin Console later in the installation.
Step: 4
Use the default configuration and Click Next.
Step : 5
Installation is complete and you get the post-installation summery. You get a link to the installation log file and a link to Admin console.
Click Done.

Configure Repository Service
Step : 1
Go to Start menu and Click on “Informatica Administrator Home Page”. This will open up the Admin Console in a web browser.

Step : 2
Log on to Admin console using your Admin User ID and Password. You set your Admin User ID and Password in “Domain Configuration” section Step 3

Step :3
Once you Log on you will see the Screen just like shown below.

Step : 4
Choose your Domain Name from “Domain Navigator”, Click on “Actions”, Choose “New” and “PowerCenter Repository Service”.

Step : 5
A new screen will appear, Provide the details as shown below.
    • Repository Name : Your Repository Name.
    • Description :  An optional description about the repository.
    • Location : Choose the Domain you have already created. If you have only one Domain, this value will be pre populated.
    • License : Choose the license key from the drop down list.
    • Node : Choose the node name from the drop down list.
Click Next.
Step : 6
A new screen will appear, Provide the Repository database details.
    • Database Type : Choose your Repository database (Oracle/SQL Server/Sybase)
    • Username : Database user ID to connect database.
    • Password : Database user Password.
    • Connection String : Database Connection String.
    • Code Page : Database Code Page
    • Table Space : Database Table Space Name
    • Choose “No content exists under specified connection string. Create new content”
Click Finish
Step : 7
It takes couple of minutes create Repository content. After the repository creation below screen will be seen.

Step : 8
The repository service will be running in “Exclusive” mode as shown below. This needs to be change to “Normal” before we can configure Integration service.
Click “Edit” Repository Properties.

Step : 9
A pop up window appears, Set the properties
    • Operation Mode : Normal
    • Security Audit Trail : No
Click OK.

Click OK for the next two pop up windows which confirms the Repository Restart to change the Repository Operating Mode.

Configure Integration Service
Step : 1
Choose your Domain Name from “Domain Navigator”, Click on “Actions”, Choose “New” and “PowerCenter Integration Service”.

Step : 2
A new window will appear, Provide the details as shown below.
    • Name : Your Integration Service Name.
    • Description :  An optional description about the repository.
    • Location : Choose the Domain you have already created. If you have only one Domain, this value will be pre populated.
    • License : Choose the license key from the drop down list.
    • Node : Choose the node name from the drop down list.
Click Next.
Step : 3
A new window will appear, Provide the details as shown below.
    • PowerCenter Repository Service : Choose your Repository Service Name from the drop down list.
    • Username :  Admin user name.
    • Password : Admin password.
    • Data Movement Mode : ASCII.
Click Finish.

Step : 4
A pop up window will appear, Choose the Code Page as ANSI.
Click OK.

Step : 5
Window will be closed and you can see all the configured services in the “Domain Navigator”
With that we are all done with the installation and configuration for Informatica PowerCenter Server.

Client Installation.
Step : 1
Go to D:\INFA9X  as shown in below image. Click on the install.bat. 

Step : 2
Installation wizard Starts.
Click Start.

Step : 3
Installation wizard Starts.  Choose the installation type as in the below image.
Click Next.

Step : 4
Installation Pre-requisites will be shown before the installation starts as below.
Click Next.

Step : 5
Choose the client tools you need. Only PowerCenter  Client is mandatory.
Click Next.

Step : 6
Choose the client installation directory.
Click Next.

Step : 7
You can choose the type of Eclipse installation in this step. This window will be available if you choose to install “Informatica Developer” or “Data Transformation Studio”.
Click Next.

Step : 8
Pre-installation summery will give the items installed during the installation process.
Click Next.

Step: 9
Installation Begins. It takes one or two minutes to complete this step.

Step : 10
Installation is complete and you get the post-installation summery.

With that we are all done with the installation and configuration for Informatica PowerCenter Client.